AAS –  Astronomical Association of Susa, Italy: since 1973 continuously performes astronomical research,
publishes Susa Valley (Turin area) local ephemerides and organizes star parties and public conferences.
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Galleria Fotografica - Fotografia digitale-Galassie
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M109 U.MA.
M109 U.MA.
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Hickson 44
Hickson 44
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NGC 4565
NGC 4565
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M 74
M 74
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NGC 7331 e quintetto di Stephan
NGC 7331 e quin...
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NGC 247
NGC 247
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NGC 672 + IC 1727
NGC 672 + IC 17...
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Abell 426 + NGC 1275
Abell 426 + NGC...
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NGC 772 in Ariete
NGC 772 in Arie...
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M 64
M 64
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M 104
M 104
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M 94
M 94
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NGC 5981-82 e 5985 Tripletto del Drago
NGC 5981-82 e 5...
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NGC 3184
NGC 3184
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NGC 2403
NGC 2403
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NGC 2841
NGC 2841
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NGC 5746
NGC 5746
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Via Lattea dal Sagittario allo Scudo
Via Lattea dal ...
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IC 342
IC 342
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NGC 4490-4485
NGC 4490-4485
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